Stealth mode

Efficient Requisition Management in Asset Management Software

The Asset Management software by Talygen offers a comprehensive requisition feature that streamlines the procurement process for assets within an organization. A requisition, or a purchase order request, initiates the procurement process by formally informing management about the need for specific goods and services. It includes details such as the quantity required, vendor preferences, and associated costs. Additionally, Talygen’s software limits requisitions to authorized personnel, and provides visibility into pending requisitions. The efficient requisition check-out process ensures swift and smooth approvals, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Key Benefits of Requisition in Asset Management


Streamlined Procurement Process


Pre-Defined Approval Workflows


Visibility into Pending Requests


Efficiency in Approvals


Multi-Level Approval


Improved Operational Efficiency

activity tracking

Limit Requisitions

  • With Talygen’s Asset Management Software, users can prevent unauthorized or unnecessary purchases, ensuring that only essential requests are processed.
  • Helps maintain financial discipline and prevents overspending, keeping the organization's budget on track.
  • Minimize the volume of requisitions by limiting who can submit them and under what conditions.
Stealth mode

View Pending Requisitions

  • The dashboard within our asset management software allows a complete overview of all requisition requests.
  • It lets users view detailed information, including item description, quantity, vendor, and associated costs for pending requisitions.
  • You can easily monitor the status of all requisition requests, ensuring no request is overlooked. This tool also fosters informed decisions and prioritizes urgent requests.
application tracking

Minimum Time to Raise A Requisition

  • Asset Management Software by Talygen automates the routing of requisition requests to the appropriate approvers based on pre-defined criteria.
  • Our software simplifies the requisition process, allowing users to enter necessary details and submit requests quickly with minimal effort
  • Streamlines the creation of requisition requests, enabling faster submission and reducing the likelihood of errors.